2023 Camp Report: Pinecrest

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Camp Pinecrest was held in southeast Missouri from July 2-9.

This summer marked the 27th year UYC has been able to enjoy Camp Pinecrest in southeast Missouri and spend time together as God’s family. This year’s theme, “Race to Your Crown,” added to last year’s theme, “Becoming Sons & Daughters of God,” in an inspired and powerful way. Campers could see the connection of their spiritual race to the physical examples the apostle Paul spoke of so clearly in Scripture. This race is unlike any other we will ever start, and everyone at camp clearly understood this great spiritual opportunity our Father has provided.

New to camp this year was an arts and crafts activity. Campers decorated wooden picture frames to display their dorm photo and remember those they spent the week with. Also, partially new to camp this year was the all-day river float trip. Last year not every dorm had the opportunity to do this activity. But this year, all campers floated with their brother/sister dorm in eight-person rafts down the Black River, which navigates through part of the Mark Twain National Forest. Along with these activities, campers were challenged spiritually and often physically in archery, Bible class, dance class, kickball, paddleboarding, riflery, speedaway, teambuilding and volleyball.

While our camp focuses on the teen camper and showing the reality that God’s way works, camp is also for the fantastic staff God brings together. This year we had several serve on staff for the first time at teen camp. How God brings His staff together was evident in how these new staff members plugged in and immediately served in any way they could. This complemented our returning staff as all, new and veteran, served alongside the great family God has placed us in. We praise and thank our wonderful Father for providing an amazing week together with an awesome spiritual focus and His protection so everyone could fully embrace all that God wants us to take from a week together at His camp!

Michael Phelps and his wife Laura, and daughter Kelsey, attend the Ann Arbor, Detroit, and Flint Michigan congregations, where Michael serves as pastor.  Michael and Laura both grew up in the Church of God.  They attended Ambassador University in Big Sandy for two years (1994-96) then returned home to complete their Bachelor's Degrees.  Michael enjoys serving in the local congregations as well as with the pre-teen and teen camp programs.  He also enjoys spending time with his family, gardening, and running.


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